Thursday 7 August 2008

Weather still poor - Plot vist to come though

Well, I polished off the second of my cabbages last night. I had it sauted with sausage and bacon, a touch of chili and some spagetti - Wonderful. Im hoping that when I arrive home from work the spring cabbage seeds I bought off ebay will have arrived and can ge them sown in a seed tray and get them off to a good start.

If and it’s a big if with the weather - if it stays reasonably dry this afternoon Im going to pop down the plot to see how things are. I laid carpet over the uncultivated bits of the plot last week and I want to make sure its still in position. I also wanna see how the runner beans have come on since I picked the first handful of beans last week too. They have been a bit slow climbing the poles, but Im hopeful they will have progressed and there will be some more to pick. I think I should also pick another cabbage for some meals this week. I don’t want the slugs to have anymore than they already have.

Will also take some pics. It will be good to look back this time next year and compare - hopefull there will be a noticable difference.

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