Wednesday 6 August 2008

Potatoes, Beans and Cabbages

Well, over the Summer, considering I only have half the plot cultivated and just a handful of veg in the ground, Ive really enjoyed the harvest. It was amazing to be sitting down to a sunday lunch, with all three of the vegetables coming from my very own bit of land!

Its amazing how little it costs too. Now, in todays money climate, growing your own has to be the way forward! This year I was lucky with freebies. The beans were given to me as seedlings and the so were the Cabbages. I have no idea what variety both are unfortunately. At a guess I suspect the the cabbage is Prima.

So far we've had potatoes for a handful of meals ever week. We've gone through 2 of the cabbages, and I managed to pick the very first crop of beans -enough for 2! The beans have been very slow. After discussions with other growers Im not the only one.

Although Ive been very happy with my harvest, I dont feel in control of the plot. There is still a massive amount of uncultivated area. I never really got control of the bind weed (especially around the edges and on the beans bed) and I feel like I could shape the beds I do have better. Well, these will be part of my plans for the autum and for the coming growing season.

As part of my over all goal (which is limited at the present time) to have a supply of seasonal veggies all year round, Ive ordered some organic Spring Cabbage seeds. I bought them off ebay. 99p delivered! What a bargain. Im happy now that I can sow ready for some spring greens as none of the shops seem to have a seed variety suitable for spring greens.

The seller confirmed he had posted them yesterday. Fingers crossed I will sow this them in a propagator by the end of this week and plant them out in the next month or so.

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